Tea Tales

TeaTales from Kawacom is a richly balanced selection of bulk teas – 29 distinct flavors from Green, Organic, White, Red, Oolong & Black Tea. Tea, also known as ‘Teion’, is considered one of the most widely used beverages in the world and the most popular after water and coffee.


  • Green Tea Orange
  • Green Tea With Forest Fruits
  • Jasmine Green Tea & Spices
  • Green Wellness Tea
  • Green Tea Christmas Day
  • Black Tea English Breakfast
  • Earl Gray Black Tea
  • Black Tea Caramel
  • Jasmine Black Tea
  • Black tea
  • The Garden of Eden
  • Black Tea 4 Seasons
  • Black Tea Harmony
  • White Tea August Moon
  • White Tea White Flower
  • China Green Tea (Oolong China Milky Oolong Tea)
  • Red Tea Red Garden
  • Red Tea Aroma from the City
  • Red Tea Sunset in Santorini